Following our process of self evaluation, looking at both internal and statutory data, as a senior leadership team we have established the following set of priorities for this academic year.
The GLT school improvement team have also supported the school in developing these objectives, and they have been shared with governors.
We have shared our priorities with pupils in 'child-friendly' language during our assembly.

Embed Rosenshine's principles as a universal shared language to further improve the quality of teaching and learning, with a specific focus on assessment and feedback to improve pupils’ outcomes
Embed a PSED curriculum in KS1 building on Early Years provision to ensure improved behaviour for learning so that children are ready for KS2
Improve pupil outcomes in KS1 writing through an effective teaching model used consistently by all teachers so that all pupils make sustained and rapid progress
Embed sequence of curricular knowledge particularly in secondary driver subjects in order to ensure improved pupil outcomes through building knowledge over time
Reduce levels of persistent absence, particularly for those with high levels of disadvantage through targeted approaches
Increase positive home school dialogue about pupil learning through tailored school communications